QT waterchange???


Reefing newb
Was wondering how often to change water in QT??? Was in the middle of getting rocks ready to enter DT and the fish got sick so the ammonia was off the charts:frustrat:
I removed all that water and put in water from DT but the filter is the same that had the ammonia build up. Nothing else in there now but a clown and two firefish in 20gal tank.. I add a few bioballs from DT wet/dry. The fish are getting ich meds a 3 day med. Wondering if i change 5 gal a day during med will that wreck med dose. Right now ammonia is 0 filter has been running 5hrs. Hope this is a good sign Please advise.:bowdown::12:
There is a difference between a QT and a hospital tank.I'm not sure how often water should be changed or if it should be changed at all in a hospital tank.I'm sure doing waterchanges will remove some of the med.Does the package say anything about waterchanges?
Water changes will definitely dilute the meds so I would think you would have to replenish them after you do a water change. If you do a water change of 20% water change then you would need to redose 20% of the dose to bring the medicine back up to where it was.
It is called ich cure, by Aquatrol, Inc. Was treating for ich because I thought my kole tang had it, he died in the DT so I removed the rest of the fish and treated them for ich now it looks diff on the clown. Thinking it is a fugus. Just post another thread, for the clown. Water par are good. So I'm thinking about doing a 20% water change then treat for fungus. I'm getting real lost and confused on this disease things. We just lost two fish from different tanks over the weekend.:sniffles::sad:
I just looked that med up. It doesn't contain anything that will cure ich... So no luck there. There are only two proven methods to cure ich: hyposalinity and copper. Ich Cure is neither of those. It's likely just a bandaid, so your fish would have ich outbreaks down the line anyways. Basically, it wouldn't have done anything for ich, if that's what your fish had.

The white stuff does sound like a fungus. Fungal infections in fish are very difficult to treat. And there is usually a bacterial infection going on at the same time too. You will want to try these two meds: Nifurpirinol (aka Furanace) and Neomycin. Usually once a fish shows signs of a fungal infection, it's pretty far gone. :(

What is your water quality like? Usually fish won't come down with stuff like this unless they are in tanks with poor water quality or stressors.
All par are at 0 spec grav is 1.023 temp 78-79 Took water sample to fish store they came up with same numbers. I have a fuge in the system and a protein skimmer that is rated for 150 gal on a 90gal tank. I'm not sure what else to check or do to make it better. The only stressor I could think of is adding the sally light foot that seemed to pick at fish during feeding time. That was only if the fish got close to it and only at feeding time the rest of the day they could be right next to each other. I'm trying to get a pic of clown right now but I can't get into photobucket forgot the password. What about the firefish should they get out of the QT if they still look good??