put the first fish in!


this is bat country
I put in a tank bred percula clown fish yesterday he is doing great he ate like thirty minutes after he was in the tank so i think he will be happy.After a month of running the tank I now have,1clown,5small reef hermits,1 scarlet reef hermit,2 mexican turbo snails,and 3 nassarus snails.Plus about four small hitch hiker brittle stars,2 asterinas, and some wierd little polyps or small anemones on a rock.I can already feel the addiction growing,haha.
About time you added a fish!! :) A clown is a great fish to start with, too. It should do well. And thumbs up on picking a tank-bred one. There's no reason to buy wild-caught clowns, IMO.

You should post pics of your weird polyps/anemones. You need to make sure they're not pests. If they are, you should take care of them ASAP.