Protein skimmer??


Reefing newb
Hey everyone i have fluval 305 filter i heard its a nitrate factory my nitrate is high i'm getting a protein skimmer soon should i ditch the fluval 305 filter??
I alwas say over filtered is better filtered.

i mean a 20 gal tank with a 20 gallon filter will need more work

and a 20 gallon tank with a 110 gallon filter is better lol

I think you should run both.
Well, you're seeing the results of running that filter. Adding a skimmer won't keep the fluval from continuing to leach nitrates back into your tank. Those canister filters were designed with freshwater tanks and filtering in mind. With that being said, I would not use it on my tank, it is way more trouble then it's worth. If you did want to keep it around, what you could do is use it to periodically run carbon in your system.
Something else to remember, just running the skimmer won't lower your nitrates, you'll need to do water changes to get those down.
canisters are better for freshwater but you can use it in altwater tanks but you will need to do a regular water changes. the best thing i have used as a filter is a powerfilter (marineland, aquarion, etc) and a 100+ power filter will work great. unless you have an overflow.than it will be about bio balls and live rock mix.
60% bio balls 40%LR that is what i use and in conection with my refuge (aka my little marine forest) I have not done a water change for about 8 mouths.
if your goin to ditch it go powerfilter. or sump. or both.