Protein Skimmer Pump Requirement

Coral Commander

Reefing newb
I have a protein skimmer in my 55 gallon tank and the pump is going out. The pump that came with the skimmer is a Spectra Sedra KSP-3500 which is a 35 watt pump with a max flow of 350 GPH. My question is if I wanted to replace the pump with a more powerful pump so that I can clean a greater volume of water then what is the largest size pump I should get without sacrificing performance? I was told that if I get a pump that is too powerful for my skimmer then it might not be as efficient at skimming because it can't keep up. Is this true?

Also, my skimmer has a vertical adjustment tube that I'm told somehow effects the efficiency of the skimmer. All I know about it is that it affects the level of the water in the skimmer. My question is how should I adjust the tube's height to optimize the efficiency of the skimmer?
Well,If your pumping water through the skimmer fast,then it don't have time to do its job.You want just enough flow to get a good foam going.The long dwell time the water has in the skimmer,them more dissolved organics can be pulled out of the water.
On the adjustment tube,The high you raise the tube,the more water the skimmer holds.You want to set it so that you get a good dark dry foam in the cup.