

part time reefer
everything was going great since the switch then boom one day all my zenia sriveled up then a couple days later the colt shriveled up they are not dead yet but not looking good. i tested the water and went to two different lfs's and they checked the water and everything is good to go there. then when i got home i tested for copper and it is zero. any ideas it has been like this for a week and i cannot figure it out. any ideas?
Xenia and colts grew like weeds in my 30gal.They also did great in my 55.
Then when I went to the 75,they shrivled up and melted away.Xenia just will not live in my 75.But SPS seems to do great.Some things just cant be explained.
I stay confused about something in my tank all the time.
I do know that xenia need the water to not be so perfect.They actually feed off of nitrates and phosphates,kinda like clams.
Maybe,when in doubt,run some carbon for a few days or a week.Mix reefs do better when you keep the chemical warfare between corals as low as possible.It helps to remove other contaminants too.
i just took the carbon out because i thought it may be the problem this was the first carbon that i have run in this tank and just took it out today and was going to change it but did not. my new thoughts are lights maybe they are just getting to old.
Possible electrical current in the water? Are you grounding?
Same thing happened to my buddies 90g (all of a sudden).
Turned out there was a short in one of the powerheads.
Grounding probes & powerhead replacement solved the issue.

How do the fish look? His seemed OK, but the inverts were a little sluggish.
all my fish and inverts are fine but just a couple corals are all shrunken up i have not found any stray voltage either i am at a loss but a couple corals are looking better today.