Premade Saltwater


Reefing newb
When i got the saltwater to fill my tank I ended up with an extra 5 gallon jug of saltwater. Ive had it since last friday. Is it ok to keep this water for water changes? Im about to add live rock today and it says to keep an eye on the ammonia levels and do water changes when they get to high. So that water would probably be used relatively soon if its ok to use. Thanks for the info...
+1 AG

And a lid (otherwise the salinity will creep up due to evaporation)....or just let it evaporate, and top it off with more rodi :)
And always check the salinity before you dump it in the tank! I bought pre-mixed and it was 1.030. :( they "said" they keep their tanks about 1.024. Soooo I was glad I checked. Took me 2 gallons of RO to get the salinity back in line.
And always check the salinity before you dump it in the tank! I bought pre-mixed and it was 1.030. :( they "said" they keep their tanks about 1.024. Soooo I was glad I checked. Took me 2 gallons of RO to get the salinity back in line.

I had this happen too...thankfully I checked
Yep...on a positive note I had about 7 gallons of saltwater and only paid for 5. :P hahaha! But check check check....