Power Head placement


Reefing newb
ontario canada
I have read many of the previously posted threads on this topic but all are questions of specific tanks. So here is mine. im getting the Koralia 425gph powerhead. according to my research they are great devices with magnets instead of suction cups. As for placement. Do i need to have it ripple the surface for gas exchange, stir the sand at the bottom for lose debris, aimed so that the current goes somewhat into my filtaration system or aimed at my live rocks? lol. Im assuming all of the above. There is no coral or fish in my tank atm as it is new and still cycling. Perhaps i jsut have to mess with it until i find the "sweet spot" i've never used one so any advice would be great. My filtration system output also slides over some live rock and stirs the sand a bit in front. Maybe the output of it is enough for gas exchange. The possibilites seem endless.
You generally want a couple of powerheads in your tank, its a whole lot easier to find that sweet spot. One should be pointed at the surface so you get good gas exchange, the other should be pointed to keep the flow happing in the rest of the tank. You should have some nass snails in your CUC to keep the sand bed stirred up
Ya Smitty suggested that as well. When its ready for a cuc they are first on my list. I just have a waterfall filter style. Is that enough for the gas exchange? Its constantly breaking the surface. Maybe since i have that i should mainly focus my powerhead on the circulation for the rest of the tank. Is 2 powerheads overkill for a 20 gallon?
Eventually, you'll want to remove that hob filter from the tank, it'll cause nitrate problems down the road. And 2 powerheads won't be too much, one at the top for the gas exchange and one in the middle somewhere for good circulation to keep all the crap, waste, and foods suspended in the water column, so that your protein skimmer can remove it.
So what would you suggest for a filtration system then? I read live rock is plenty for it, but i doubt it. Does the protein skimmer do the rest? Id rather not setup a sump for lack of room.