I will talk about what I noticed quickly about the Panoramas first, and the Skkye second.
With the Ecoxotic Panorama Modules.
Well, the first thing I notice that I do not like about the ecoxotic fixture. On their website there is no information on PAR output so you can't judge with that at all, which is a major factor in determining what corals you can keep.
Secondly, you would need at least 10 of the modules just to match the wattage (you would be 6 watts higher than the 2 Skkye lights.)
Third, the panorama modules are only 1 foot in length. So figuring you have a 4 foot long tank, that is about 18 from front to back. and you have 10 modules, you will have to play around to figure out how you need to position each module to get the best coverage.
Fourth you are going to NEED a canopy just to mount the lights to. unless you spend extra money to build a housing for the modules.
Fifth, One year Warranty.
Sixrh, One mode, on or off
Seventh, you have no built in moonlights (extra money for moonlights)
With the Skkye LED Tablet Light:
Firstly, on their website they have PAR read outs for every single one of their fixtures. The 92 watt fixture which is what you would look at for a 75g, They show readings for a 2 foot square area, and at 20 inches of depth(the bottom of a 75g), you will recieve 100-150 PAR, which will support all your LPS, softies, and some lower light SPS. ALL THE WAY AT THE SAND BED!
Second, it comes standard with an on the tank mount, which is very simple looking, and you don't have to have a canopy to mount the lights in. and can be mounted on rimless tanks, or framed tanks.
Third, it has a quiet fan, so you are guaranteed it will not overheat.
Fourth, One year warranty.
Fifth, Individual reflectors for every LED
Sixth, 3 modes, Moonlight, Dusk/Dawn, Daylight(all lights on)
With the Ecoxotic, you are looking at $1100 for the 10 modules, 4 transformers to power them, and 3 three way splitters to hook up the modules to transformers.
With the Skkye, you are looking at $1200 for 2 fixtures, which you know what the PAR outputs are on them.