Plastic / Rubber Anemones?


Broke Reefer!
Okay, strange topic, I know! A friend of mine bought a rubber immitation macro algae plant from petco today that looked exceptionally good. She said they have anemones, etc., made out of the same material, that are apparently safe for (and made for) sw tanks. I'm in the process of setting up a preventative quarantine tank for 2 pink skunk clowns who are currently extremely attached to the LTA that they've been hosted by for at least the past 5 weeks. I know it is going to be a tough transition for them to go from their current nem home into a bare bottom QT w/ only a piece of PVC pipe. Do you guys think it would be okay for me to add one of these plastic/rubber nems or macro algae replicas to the QT tank to give them something more to hide in? Does anyone know anything about how these products fare in sw tanks, particularly treatment tanks? Thanks!
Thanks, Hannah! I'm not very concerned about algae at this point since I'll be doing very frequent water changes - if I start to see algae growth, I'll just suck out what I can with the siphon and rinse it off in old tank water as needed. Not a big deal since its a QT tank (at least for me). Do you think this type of material will absorb copper and then leach it back into the system later like rocks do? Just want to be careful not to accidentally raise my copper level higher than intended due to leaching...
If your clowns are rough they might rip it a bit, when i had my fire clown i caught him one day with one of the tenticles in his mouth lol. Pulled the fake nem out after that. It was a really cheap one though