Placing Powerheads in 20 G Tall


newbie reefer
I just bought 2 Korilia powerheads for our 20G tall reef tank. I have the 425gph on the top left back glass pointing down and kinda to the right, and the 240 GPH on the top right side and a downward angle blowing to the Anthelia coral. There are some spots in the front corners where some cyano has taken hold. What are the best places to put them?


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You'll just have to keep playing with the powerheads to get the right flow...or else, add another small powerhead.
What!? Gees how many do I need? I did have a larger pump in before I got my last Korila, but it was pretty big in size. I'll have to modify it a bit and mess with it.
Lol It's a tank we have in my wife's State Farm office. When I get corals I make up fun facts about each one to educate people. Theres not very many salt water tanks in cow town! Ha
For comaprison I have 2 Koralia 425, and a maxijet 600. The only time I had issues is when I turned off my maxijet and I got cyano...
I didn't realize how small the K 240 would be or I would have ordered two 425's. I did have another pump in there i brought from home, but it has a big cone on it that catches debris. I'm going to have to modify that pump and put it back in. I just point the 425 at the rock with cyano and over night its about all gone. WC this weekend for sure, and I'll try and siphon the rest up off the rocks and sand rock.