Phosphate problem


Reefing newb
Hey guys. I have been using tap water and just started doing daily ten percent water changes. Is there a way for me to get rid of te phosphates at least while I work on bringing everything else down? I heard of this product phos lock but I ont know if I should use it or not?
Water changes, phosban reactor or GFO reactor are the best ways to get rid of it. If you use the phos lock, you'll have to find a way to get the water to run through it.
Is a phosphate reactor really that necessary? Is it possible the clean RODI water and new chaeto I bought will take care of that? I was running tap till yesterday. Now I'm doing 10 percent water changes daily and I bought chaeto Tuesday so I'm hoping within a month my water will clean up
A phosban or GFO reactor are the most efficient way to remove phosphates from a system (along with water changes)

You can also reduce the amount of flake and pellet food that you are feeding