

Reefing newb
I don't really understand the inner workings of pH although I am slowly learning. I there any problem with a pH of greater than 8.4? What are the effects on the reef?
ph is the concentration of H+ in a the scale 7 is neutro..<7 is acid, >7 is alkali...every solution..especially all metabolic functions in living organism needs a constant ph for optimal salt tanks normal is 8.1-8.4...out of that metabolic functions are disrupted and is incompatible with life...
You do not need to worry unless you start to exceed 8.5 then you need to figure why you are that high. also watch your salinity, alkalinity, co2, nitrates, and oxygen levels. at 8.4 you do not have any thing to worry about. you should test 1st thing in morning just before lights on, and at night just before lights out for several days to see what you system is doing. let us know.
I'm just concerned because I am starting to dose Kalkwasser with my top off water and sometimes my pH spikes beyond 8.4. It doesn't stay there long but I'm concerned for that short period of time.