

Reefing newb
i needs some help figuring something out. my p.h is really low( well i cant really read it, its off the chart) and my nitrates are high about 20 ppm i dont know about the nitrites i dont have a test of that. does this this mean it near the end of the cycel
As long as you have high nitrates your pH is likely going to be low. The acidifying effects of dissolved organics lowers the pH. Do some water changes, and as that will lower your nitrates and the associated nitrites, and ammonia, it will raise you pH. If the pH was associated with calcium problems of your salt mix or acute problems with your source water the pH would have been low before the nitrate readings went up. Salt water mixes only contain so much in the way of buffers, and your nitrates are obviously overpowering the buffers in your water. If your circulation from your prism any other filter is adequate you should be having adequate gas exchange to shed any Carbon dioxide. How low a pH does your pH color indicator capable of reading? The easy way to tell if its at the end of the cycle is to do a couple of water changes, test for nitrates, add a little fish food and test 1 and two days later for nitrates. If the cycle is over the nitrate reading should not go up appreciably.
i have a wide range tests kit and its says its at 8.5 when i do the water change do i have to use ro water because i dont have any can i use tap water
I dont recommend tap water at all. Although tap water is not necessarily the reason for livestock dying, it will cause some serious algae problems.

If i were you, i would stop adding more tap water and start using RO water from now on. You can buy RO water from super markets, some LFS' and water stores.
if your ph is 8.5 you should be ok... i believe that between 8.2 and 8.4 is perfect ... you could pick up a master kit. That has ph , ammonia,nitrites and nitrates tha tyou test. good luck
Is your tank still cycling? If not I would just let it finish. Changing water is just going to prolong the cycle. If cycle is over. I would do a water change using RO water. When did you test your PH? Were the lights on or off? PH test lower at night.
8.5 is on the high end of normal. That is fine for a daytime reading of pH. And I agree to not use tap water unless you absolutely have to.

Now that you have a skimmer, if you do use tap water and add a water conditioner or dechlorinator, your skimmer will not work, and may flood for several days to several weeks. Skimmers will not work on tanks that are supplied with treated tap water.
No was just wondering. Because PH reads lower at night then rises during the day. It's best to try and run the test around the same time every time you test it.
well i had a 30g and then i bought a 65g and put my 30p of rocks and my subtrate and the water in to my new tank, so it wouldnt take so long to cycle and then i bought 20p of subtrate and rock and set it up in one day
40 pounds live aragonite reef sand 40pounds fiji and 10 pounds tonga. ( i got it for the price of the fiji) i have a rena canester filter, 1 power head(useing the filter outlet as another power head)and a little bubbley thing no fish or inverts