
My apt is poorly insulated and it got down to the 30's outside last night, i woke up about 20 min ago and i was freezing. Guess what, so is my tank. It's at 69 degrees right now and my heater hasnt seemed to kick on. I put my lid back on and put the lights directly on the lid to try and warm it up. Is this going to kill anything? I just took a shower so i dont wanna stick my hand in there just yet. The landlord isnt home so i cant ask him to turn the heat on as i have no thermostat up here. OMG! FML!

Ps my coral banded shrimp must molted because its molt is stuck to my powerhead lol.
Do not bring the temp back up too fast. The fast temp swings are way worse than the low temp itself. So bring the temp up very very slowly --like no more than 3 degrees per day.
Not yet, like i said i just showered and i dont wanna stick my arm in there just yet, dont wanna leach anything into the tank.....i did turn on the stove with it open lmfao. Its now at 70
Use two smaller heaters instead of one just in case one fails.I hope everything will be okay,69 degrees doesn't seem like it's too bad.I've been keeping my tank at 75 degrees.
Just went to a target interview and it still hasnt come up at all wtf, i hope my heater didnt go out on me, im frickin broke as a joke.
YEa im pretty sure my korahla (spelt wrong) heater took a shit on me. It was hella cold in my apt when i woke up so im sure it was working itself to death throughout the night. I dont have a electric blanket or a heating pad. I'm going to have to suffer until my mom gets off of work so she can borrow me some cash to get a new heater.....whats the best one i can buy? I really thought the on i had was going to last but apparently not. I hope my tank doesnt go below 69. I ususally have my tank set at 76 and it never goes below that or higher than 79. FML!!!
IMO, every heater can be unreliable. I like the marineland stealth heaters though because they're reliable and inexpensive. I know your budget is tight but, when you can you should try and pick up a second heater as a back up just in case. I run 2 250w heaters on my 75g.
About 5 oclock im going to go get multiple heaters. I think i will do like reeffreak said and do 2 small heaters and ill buy a 3rd for a backup. I still cant seem to get the temp up even tho i turned on a space heater in the room...=/ Guess ill just have to wait till 5 to get it to go up a lil.
IMO, every heater can be unreliable. I like the marineland stealth heaters though because they're reliable and inexpensive. I know your budget is tight but, when you can you should try and pick up a second heater as a back up just in case. I run 2 250w heaters on my 75g.