ok now do I need to add anything


Reefing newb
I have a 14 G biocube w/ upgraded lighting (5 watts per gallon) and flow , in addition to a simple skimmer-which is fairly mature ( 8 months old). I recently added my fist coral frags- a frogspawn, a torch, a green finger, a brain , and a candy cane. What specific supplements and / or foods would be recommended for optimal growth of these specimens. Awhile back I got two products from corallife- invertebrate gourmet gumbo and liquid gold pro plus but I have heard conflicting views on whether these are beneficial or actually harmful. Any opinions or alternative products would be appreciated. I am keepin an eye on my calcium levels once weekly
The frogspawn, torch, brain and candy cane will take meaty foods target fed to them. You can take small pieces of krill or mysis and use feeding tongs or tweezers to place the food on the brain and candy cane's feeding tentacles when they're exposed, and the frogspawn and torch's tentacles. They will get most of their nutrition from the light, though.

Keep your calcium levels up, and I think that's about it. You can dose with the coral foods you bought, but do it sparingly. You don't want your parameters to spike.
Regular water changes should keep your trace elements and calcium in line. as your coprals start putting on growth after they acclimate to their surroundings a two part calcium supplment would probably be a good idea. Mainly it depends on yopur water change frequency. None of your corals are finicky eatters, but are more oppurtunist feeders. If it comes to them and it possible for them to eat they will typically eat it. Frozen foods should be thawed first and only the particles should be fed, not the liquid. Zelcon is a good supplement for corals. Add a little to the food before feeding, most will be soaked up by the food.