Ok here is my tank


Reefing newb
Ok guys, here are pictures of my tank I think I may be coming to the end of my cycle
and I need to know what to do next. Like what should I test for besides nitrates nitrites and ammonia and ph and what supplements should I maybe start adding to the tank?
What do I do for my sponges, and what are the branch like corals on the sides of my tank.



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You really shouldn't need to add any supplements to the tank at all. Probably ever.
Regular water changes will keep the levels you need, especially in the beginning. If you reach a point where you need supplements you'll already know it. Don't add anything you're not testing for.

If your ammonia and nitrites have returned to 0 on your test kits and your nitrate reading is <20 you can go ahead and purchase a fish, though. :-)
How long has the tank been up and how did you cycle it?
Looking good so far, and don't worry about adding supplements yet, just routine water changes will add the supplements needed. Until you start getting more corals, don't worry about checking other parameters like calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium. And the branching corals in the corners look like gorgonians.