oh god...

So i went to the lfs today and was going in with the intentions of just buying flake food for my goby whom seems not to like brine shrimp. They were supper busy so i was looking around at their corals....they had a flower pot for only 20 bucks so i grabbed it. Prolly not the smartest idea ive had but it is worth a try for 20 bucks. Soon as it comes back out ill post a few pictures.

I've done a little reading on them and their care. Anyone have any tips on where to put him? Flow rate ect...
Congrats, it is a pretty difficult coral to keep. You're gonna wanna put it somewhere with medium to high lighting and moderate to high flow. You want the polyps moving in the current but you don't want them getting blown around too hard, like any LPS
You put a goniopora coral in a system only several months old?You are right,not a good idea.

Put it somewhere where sand doesn't get on the coral.Low flow and moderate lighting.If it's a green one then prepare to feed it small zooplankton foods like cyclops.
You put a goniopora coral in a system only several months old?You are right,not a good idea.

Put it somewhere where sand doesn't get on the coral.Low flow and moderate lighting.If it's a green one then prepare to feed it small zooplankton foods like cyclops.

Yep, i know. But it looked nice enuff to be a killer deal if it does well. I'm not one to throw away money but heck, alot of people didnt think i would get this far. I also only have T-5's but thats what they had it under at the fish store. I put it half way up on the reef. If i have to move it i will but ill wait and see if its okay where its at. It is a green one...its just a lil smaller than a baseball....hopefully it comes back out before my lights go off.:bowdown:
With those T-5s,you'd probably be better off to start it closer to the bottom.
Corals have to be acclimated to T-5s the same as metal halides.
Plus don't be surprised if it doesn't come out of the skeleton for a day or two. Mine took a couple days to come out when I put it in my tank.
See i was thinking that too, thats why i was asking. Is it okay to put it on the substrate as long as the polyps aren't touching it? Or should i make a lil bed of rocks to put it on?

I also just put a lil cyclops ease in or whatever that i got from a friend and it has started to come out.
I think it'll be fine on the substrate while it's acclimating, that's where mine is now acclimating to my new lights
Well ive left it half way up...and they seem to be comin out slowly but this is a good sign right? Should i jus say fuck it and move them back down to the substrate? I hate stickin my hand in my water more than 2 times a day lol..
It's up to you, personally, I think you'll be ok leaving it halfway up. So you know, when it's healthy and fully open the polyps should be about 2-4 inches long.
It's up to you, personally, I think you'll be ok leaving it halfway up. So you know, when it's healthy and fully open the polyps should be about 2-4 inches long.

Yea, im going to leave it where its at for a few days and see how it does. If it doesnt look like its doing well then ill move it. Thanks guys/gals
Here is a pic, not bad for a 20 spot, its still upset but gettin over it slowly...hes been in for about 2 hours maybe...

It's a green one so twice a week.It may even take small mysis as well as cyclopeeze.They're slow eaters so turning off all the pumps helps.