Ocean Nutrition Food?


Reef enthusiast
Anybody used this stuff?

I picked up a package of frozen cubes at the LFS. It has MUCH higher protein content than the Marine Cuisine I've been feeding. So, I unthaw a cube of it and it's like jello. No solids in the cube. No pieces of krill or kysiz. No chunks. Just orange jello.

The fish seam to be eating it. My concern is there is a lot of waste. It doesn't float, so a lot of it is heading straight for the bottom. The other concern is a lot of it just dissolves into an oily chum slick. My pre-skimmer takes it out, but I don't like the idea of paying for food just to have it skimmed out.

It's recommended for clowns and gobys. Thats exactly what I have in the tank. 1 clown. 1 watchman goby.

That brand of frozen food is not meant to be just dropped in your tank. You have to put it in one of those plastic mesh holders attached to a suction cup (attached to your glass), otherwise it will just be wasted. It's a pain, but the fish will learn to graze off of the mesh holder.
I used Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef for a long time. I always thawed it out and then rinsed thoroughly. The Prime Reef is pretty chunky.
i use the ocean nutrition algae sheets and have the pellets just in case my mom decides to feed the fish and i also have some of the frozen food and my fish love it all
Sounds like Biff nailed it. I can see this food being placed inside a mesh bag so the fish can "suck" it out. It's just a glob of jello when it's thawed. I did break it up by smushing it with my finger. Just makes an oily globbery mess and turns into an oil slick on the surface before the small dust-sized pieces fall to the bottom.

I'm switching back to Marine Cuisine. It works and they eat it before if hits the sand.

The only two frozen Ocean Nutrition I use is the Prime Reef and Formula 2.The Formula 2 is the only one that is gel bonded.I let it thaw and smash it into small pieces with a fork.