nitrites in QT?


Reefing newb
:grumble:I have a 5g QT and 3 days ago I put a small sixline wrasse in it. It's been up and running for two months with HOB filter, contains filter floss that was seeded in DT. I keep finding nitrites, the lowest readable level, but not 0. I do WC twice a day right now. Params are temp 79, SG 1.024, pH 8.3, 9dkh, calcium 460, nitrates 20ppm, ammon. 0, phos. 0. Any other ideas on dealing with nitrItes? thanks! Ann Marie
are you using copper in your qt tank? if not and do not plan on it use a peice or lr from your main tank that will help and also when you change the water use water from you main tank that will help alot if you are using copper just do water changes with tank water
from what I've read SW fish are rather resistant to nitrite... as odd as that sounds... but I still wouldn't feel comfortable with ntirites.
It could be that your QT is going through a small cycle.If its been a while since there was a fish in,I'll bet thats whats happening.
I think I would probably give a day or 2 without doing the water change and see what happens.Then if they keep climbing,Then I'd do a water change.
Thanks for the replies. A mini cycle makes sense. I only added a bit of frozen food every other day when it was empty. I'll just keep watching it. Since it's 5g, WC is easy. I originally set QT up as an emergency HT for a sick Perc. he did fine for 5 weeks in there without an established bio filter, although I was stressed! I cleaned it, added new seeded floss and cycled it before adding this fish.