Nitrates shot up


Reefing newb
I had my nitrates at a steady 5-10 ppm. Yesterday I tested and it was 20+. I looked in my tank and found a big dead rotting turbo snail. When I pulled it out it smelled up my kitchen in 5 seconds. After two 10% water changes I'm still at 20ppm. So that is probably the cause of the escalated nitrates? A fat dead snail? Maybe cause nobody could eat it since it was locked up in its shell?
Yeah. That was it. I find dead snails in my tanks all the time. Sometimes I can't get them out, so they have to sit there and rot. Just do some extra water changes.

Hopefully you are using a good RO/DI water filter.
Yeah I have a new RO filter but I only store about 15 gallons under my tank so Im limited to a couple of 10% changes per day. Hopefully I can get it back down with a few more 10% water changes. From now on I'm going to do a daily inspection and those snails are all on probation.
If you can get the dead ones out then go ahead and remove them. If one of them dies under the rocks or someplace you can't get at it - don't worry about it. If you got any crabs they'll find a way in eventually. It takes about 6-8 weeks for a dead snail to rot completely. Just double up on the water changes if there's one stuck in there.