New to the reef!


Reefing newb
Hey everybody! Hope all is well with everyone. My wife gave me a a 10 gallon bow front for Christmas! I hope she likes it well enough to let me get more tanks!! The set up I have at present is a ten gallon bow front with a tetra whisper internal filter, tetra submersible heater, tetra led light. 9 pounds live rock and Carib sand. I filled with R/O water mixed with 3 pound instant ocean salt. My wife's only stipulation was and I quote "Nemo and Dory" . I am also wanting an anemone. Any thoughts and advice is greatly appreciated! My stand is an old sewing machine stand with a foot pedal and a stone top.


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2 clowns is about your limit for that tank if she wants a dory you should have over a hundred gallon tank other then that tank looks goodand welcome to the site
Hi and welcome to the site!
Looks like you have your tank off to a good start.
How are you cycling your tank? Are you testing your parameters ( ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph) ? A hippo tang (Dory) will not work in that tank as Emmett said. They need a lot more room (6' tank length) would be the minimum. Now is a good time to be researching everything you can. An anemone needs a mature tank ( a tank that has very minimal fluctuations in water parameters) which is something that comes as your tank ages and you learn how to maintain it. An anemone also needs strong lighting. Good luck!
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