New to Saltwater


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I am new to saltwater aquariums. Setting up a Biocube 14 with artificial coral and artificial live rock. Plan is to have 2 Clowns and 2 others. Any thoughts on what type of fish to go join the Clowns ?
Welcome to the site and the hobby!

When you say you plan on using artificial corals and live rock, are you talking about plastic? If so, I'd recommend against it. The rock is a beneficial part of your aquariums ecosystem, it's where all your biological filtration will come from. As far as the corals go, you can use artificial ones but, the real ones will look much much nicer. And there are some very tough, colorful corals out there that are great for beginners. As far as your livestock, in such a small aquarium you're really limited to 1-2 small fish. Any more than that and your asking for trouble (stressing your fish, cramped conditions leading to illness, and poor water quality).

Here is a good article one of the other members created for people setting up their first tank
Welcome aboard.
Brian is right.By using real live rock,your tank be a lot easier to maintain and look better.The plastic stuff will get turn ugly with algae over time and you'll have to bleach it regularly to keep it loking nice.
i agree with Yote and Brian. Having the live rock will help keep the water cleaner with all the beneficial bacteria on it, and having live corals will just make it so much nicer. LOL. Good luck with either route you go.
+2 BL1 & Yote

You also can/t really put too many fish in a 14g. I would think 2 clowns would be your max as far as bioload goes. You can always get a shrimp, some hermits and snails to add diversity.

You can also buy just base's cheaper. Just cycle your tank w/ a piece of shrimp before you add any livestock. Buy a test kit to test for at least ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. Make sure to read up about cycling your tank :) Welcome to the site!
Dont forget the pictures! We have a saying here, pics or it didnt happen!

Start a build thread for yourself in the tank showcase section.

oh ya, and welcome :D
Thanks to All !
Attached is my tank
No fish yet !


  • MyTank.webp
    60 KB · Views: 1,410
Looks pretty neat!

You'll find in this hobby that most people prefer a more natural look than you find in the typical fresh water tank. So ornamental stuff is generally not used but it's definatly a personal preference thing. But i gotta agree with everyone else and say that your tank would really benefit by removing atleast some of the fake and putting in actual live rock for biological filtration purposes.

Put up a build thread in the tank showcase forum and keep us updated!
I would use live rock and live sand or aragonite. Don't use fake stuff, because it can be harmful to your fish. As far as your tank goes, the two clowns would suffice in that size aquarium, but, if you are hell bent on having more fish (which I would not recommend because of nitrates and all), you can go with something that does not grow very big and that is peaceful. There are many fish to choose from just do your homework first, good luck!