New Test Kit - Results are In!


I used to have lizards
After realizing my API kit was a few years expired, I ordered in a full new set along with a few new tests for my tank. Below are the results as of tonight:

Temp 76
Salinity 1.025
pH 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
Phosphates 0
dKH 6
Calcium 360

Looks like my alkalinity is rather low, any suggestions? Also, the API calcium test is kind of a beotch. Do you mix the tube after every drop? It doesn't say to, but I don't know how you can easily tell when it changes from purple to blue otherwise.

I bought the regular saltwater kit, then bought the individual calcium, phosphate, and alkalinity kit. It was cheaper by a few bucks than buying the reef kit and adding on the other missing ones.
Do you mix the tube after every drop? It doesn't say to, but I don't know how you can easily tell when it changes from purple to blue otherwise.


You should cap and shake the tube after every drop. It actually does say it somewhere in the book but, it took me like 4 or 5 times reading the book before I saw it.
I did cap and shake every time for alkalinity, which it clearly stated in the instructions. I'll try the same for calcium next time. Thanks!
If you're using the API Calcium test kit then in Step 5 in the directions it says Cap and shake the test tube between drops.
I just went and checked again, you are correct BL, the last line of step 5 says to cap and shake. For some reason I was missing this - thanks!
I just went and checked again, you are correct BL, the last line of step 5 says to cap and shake. For some reason I was missing this - thanks!

Haha no worries like I said, I read that manual several times before I ever read that sentence.