New Rock...


Ha Ha Thats Funny!
I got a new piece of Kupang today!!! Now I get to spend half the night arranging the tank, again!! I love getting a new rock and trying to make it work!! I also got a Yellow Tang today, cheap. He really adds a lot of life to the tank with just that color.:bounce:
Biff calling a bluff? As soon as I can I will put one up, you want to see the Tang, not the rock I'm sure. This other store near me charges 13lb for kupang, I got three lbs for 15 today, and the Tang is like 60, I paid 30. Reefs to Reptiles in NJ. Great guys and cool corals. He also has a reef safe trigger, but he sold it. Maybe next week. How many fish can I keep in a 55? I have 4 grn chromis, 2 fire, 2 blue/yellow damsels, 6 line wrasse, and the Tang now. He said the trigger would outgrow my tank eventually.
I am not sure on the amount of fish you can get in your 55, I am sure that somebody will let you know soon though.

As for getting the temps down, is the top of the tank open or does it have a closed top? If it is closed, Open up the top, it will allow evaporation. If the tank is already open, add a fan. A fan has the potential to lower the tank temps by 10 degrees due to the added evaporation. Just a few ideas to throw at you. But a steady 80 degrees isnt really going to hurt anything. As long as there isnt more than a 1-2 degree swing during the day you should be fine. If it gets to the mid 80's like 83+ I would start worrying.

I wouldn't bother getting a trigger for a 55, they grow really fast and would not be happy in a tank that size for very long.

In a 55, you can aim for 5 or 6 fish, more if they are tiny. It also depends on if you have a good skimmer and enough live rock.

80 degrees is fine, as long as you don't see large swings in a 24 hour period.
Here's the Yellow Tang, about 3". Sorry for the crappy pic, but he keeps cruising the back wall real fast.

Congrats on the new additions Sea.
For those shots on those cruising fish,dont lead as much.Your not shooting a shotgun and the camera is a little quicker:D

I'm gonna move this thread over to the reef fish forum for you.
Congrats on the new additions Sea.
For those shots on those cruising fish,dont lead as much.Your not shooting a shotgun and the camera is a little quicker:D

I'm gonna move this thread over to the reef fish forum for you.

Naa, its the slow shutter speed, like 1/30.
Very nice yellow tang. As far as the temp remember that stability is always more important. Just get it where it`s not bouncing all around. 78-82 or three will be fine.