New Heater!!


Reefing newb
I need a new heater!! The one i got is a piece of crap! Its only an 100W but it keeps my 40gal at like 82 at all times even though i keep turning it down lower and lower, its set to 74 right now! But it just runs constantly and its really pissin me off. The tank is cycling right now and the only thing in there are a few hermits and like 2 snails but i checkes water parameters today and everything is at 0 so i wanna add somthing over the weekend but i need a new heater first. Anyone have any suggestions for a heater that doesnt cost an arm and a leg?
I have an Eheim Jager 150w for my 46g and the temperature stays pretty consistent over the last year. I have heard good things about heaters that are not glass on the outside but plastic. I think they are Visa Therms or something. The plastic is nice because glass can crack and send stray voltage to your tank.

another tip is to put your thermometer on the other side of your tank away from your heater so that it gets a more accurate reading and not the reading right next to your heater.
My thermometer is completely accross the tank, like kiddie corner, but ill look into those heaters, thanks. Any other recomendations?
What kind of pumps are you running. A lot of them put of extra heat. Turn your heater off until the temp sarts to drop When the tenp gets where you want it plug the heater in turned all the way down and see if it heats back up.
i have 2 maxijets, 600 and 900, and 1 24" Coralife light, so i dunno if thats the problem but im gonna try it right now, id rather not buy another heater.
If the heaters on and the waters at 82 degrees,then the thermostat on the heater is stuck.Which is what normally happens when a heater goes bad.
As for which brand,just close your eyes and point to one.
I will suggest to get 2 smaller heaters than on one thats rated for your tank.That way if one sticks,it shouldnt cook your fish.