new frags!


Reefing newb
Not only new frags, but my first frags!




I absolutely love the colors of the zoanthids. I cant wait till they grow and get bigger!
The color of the zoas look good. You'll have to post another pic when they fully open. The green stripped mushrooms looks good. What are the other frags? Hard to tell from the pic.
They are all forms of zoanthids. The one frag is extremely tiny. I will get some super glue gel tomorrow and put them in place.
Top Left = nuclear green
Top Right = armor of god
Bottom Left = creepy halloween
Bottom Right = purple death
Here are some better pictures. They are not too good, my camera is a beast at landscapes but sucks at macro stuff.

Nuclear Green:

Scary Halloween:

Purple Death:

and my absolute favorite Armour of God:
They have some nice color. Be careful with zoas they can be toxic.(Think this is the word . ) lol
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how long do zoas take to grow... like a small colony like that 3-4 polyp one, would it take a few months for more polups to grow, or is it more like a few years?
how long do zoas take to grow... like a small colony like that 3-4 polyp one, would it take a few months for more polups to grow, or is it more like a few years?

It really depends on the specific kind. Some grow like weeds, some need a lot more time.