new and need advice


Reefing newb
ok so i have a 125gal that im doing saltwater in. i have 2 hang on pumps/filters. i need more flow, so what size of powerhead should i get? I want to do fish and coral. also i was told it was ok to do this.... on one side of tank crushed coral, in the middle live sand and sand, and then on the other end of tank crushed coral again. is this ok to do? i did 80lbs of the cc and 80 lbs of sand 40 live 40 not. and any other advice or recommendations for me would b great, i did sw about 12 yrs ago in a 28gal, but it was just fish, pretty basic, so im a little rusty lol. thanks in advance!!
Hello and Welcome!

I would avoid the crushed coral all together, it only will cause you major issues especially if you want to keep a reef tank.

I would get a few high powered koralia powerheads for the tank, or if you have the cash, some vortects.

Also are those hang on pumps canister/mechanical filters? If so, you probably want to get rid of them. They really are more work than they are worth in a saltwater tank. Instead make sure you have plenty of rock, that is your primary source of filtration.
I use a hob filter it can work as long as you get rid of the bio crap, no wheels, no bio mesh/mat just the cartridge that you change weekly. I would not use crushed coral. That stuff just collects crap and will be a problem over time. Get a good quality hob skimmer, reef octopus makes some good hob ones. Stay away from sea clone whatever you get those are crap. Add some hydor power heads. When you add up all the flow sources you want that number 25 to 50 times the tank volume. So add the gph of the hob filters and the power heads and the skimmer divide by the tank volume. You bio filtration will be in the live rock. You need to have 1 to 2 pounds per gallon of tank volume. So a 125 you need 125 to 300 lbs of live rock. You can use some live rock and the rest dry. A good place to get dry rock is MarcoRocks Aquarium Products that will save you a ton of money.

Another option is a hob refugium there are a few types. Look into one of those as well.
Those would work. The only thing I dont like about those type of power heads is it is just a suction cup holding it on. Suction cups fail. Normally when you arent at home and then you have a power head blowing sand every where. The Hydors have a magnet. I have never had a Hydor come off the glass unless I wanted it to.
If you dont wanna toss the filters, empty everything out and toss in live rock. I did that on my 10, mainly for flow since theres not much room for powerheads, but it would still e useful for you, along with powerheads and plenty of rock in the tank. You do still have to clean them out every few months, though.