need light fixture advice


Reefing newb
Hey guys just got a jbj 24 gal nanocube NON HOOD GLASS TOP. It came with no fixture and i was wanting to put a nice looking led on it. I have never fooled with led fixtures before so i dont know what is just enough and what isnt. I dont have a ton of money to spend. I was looking at the jbj 54 watt unibody didnt know if it would be enough
That actually looks like a decent light - don't know anyone here who has that one, but from what I read about it, it sounds like it will give off enough light, in the right combo of colors, to keep corals of all types - from what I can decipher, they are 3w LED bulbs (which is what you want), not 1w bulbs. It looks like it can be connected to a controller, which is a big plus, but I can't tell from the JBJ website whether the controller is included in the package or whether you have to purchase it separately, so you'll want to find out about that. I'd also just recommend doing a google search to see what the reveiws say about this light. Keep us posted if you decide to get it - I'm really curious to hear how it works out. I'm going to keep my eyes on this one as an alternative to a PAR38 bulb or AI Sol for the 45g hex tank that I'm planning.
It was either that or the ecoxotic panaramic. I just need some suggestions. I would like to get a light to where ill never have to second guess myself on if i have enough light to run a certain type of coral