need help

sg hillbilly

Reefing newb
hi I am just getting started and bought my first anemonie and when I put it in my tank it just floated around how do I get it to stay in place or have I done someting wrong?
Anemones need mature tanks so if you are just starting out you nor your tank is ready for one.
Is it rolling around on the bottom or actually floating? Turn off any power heads that are running in your tank. What kind of anemone do you have?
If your tank is still new I'd get rid of it otherwise you run the risk of killing it. Also, if you are looking to do a reef, people (most) stay away from nems. They move around freely and can sting other corals, and god forbid one ever gets sucked in to a power head and it's stingers get sent around the tank, kiss your livestock/corals good bye. But, it's your tank, and I wish you the best of luck on it, whatever you decide to do.
Actually, yes, I did. I had a condy for a short while. It latched on to a rock and stayed there for about a week before it started roaming around and came within a few inches of my zoa colony, zoa frag, and white star polyp. So yeah, do some research. A lot of people recommend staying away from them. But I forgot, no one knows more then you ;).
You are on every page stating "facts" you had one for a week. Really doing some research there. You purchased a condy, a ten dollar piece that loves to roam and in a new set up. I have done my research, im not looking for the plus 1s then post. Lets see, salt for brains, u running any nems?
You amuse me highly, you've got like 5 months more experience then me in this hobby, yet speak as if you've been taking care of saltwater tanks since you were in diapers. Highly comical. I told him that a lot of people (Some of who I know in person, on forums, and just doing general research via the internet) suggest staying away from nems. But yet, once again, we must all defer to your massive experience in this (still very much new myself, and weather or not you believe it, yourself) hobby. But, it's pointless to argue with you, not going to hijack this person's thread anymore for someone of your worth. Best of luck on the nem bud, mariobros here will guide you to definite success so heed his words.
Newbie, tell him how its ok to overstock if you have plenty of lr. Thats a great one........ Tell someone on to build a sump, yet your not running one.... Sorry to interject, you should listen to newbie, just do the opposite. You tell people about things you have never applied. Its so far from facts or knowledge. 1 week does not apply as knowledge, or being a google head. Peoples expierences is what the knowledge, and and 1 weeks knowlede does not apply. Please educate me:-)
Lol, you paraphrase quite nicely. Love to omit a lot of the details there, don't you? Now, why don't you tell people the whole post, rather then just part of it ;). I also said if he was going to over-stock he had to be pretty religious on his water changes. The LR helps him eliminate the waste created from feeding, and fish pooping/pee. Also, what I said about the plumbing for a sump was, go on to youtube and type in DIY overflow. So, please, keep going. You sound smarter with each passing second. Lol'd hard irl. :bowdown:
Now i feel smarter. Im glad you brought up your hypothesis. First off, he is doing it right. The first piece you wanna put in is your nem. They will all move if they are not happy. They go where they want to go, this is why they are for experienced hobbiest. Experience also comes with in age of a tank, thus providing stable water for the nem. I bought my nem with the lr he was attached too, its been 4 months since and he has not moved. I would say hes pretty happy. He is touching the pulsing zenia that has now over grown the lr base hes on, yet they both are still alive and active. It now hosts my mated pair of clowns and i no longer feed it. When i feed my fish, they bring the food to him and the live cycle continues. I have some expensive pieces in my tank, and with my knowledge im not worried about some 5dollar star polyps being destroyed by the nem, or even 30dollar zoas. If you think hes on the move, shut off your powerheads or cover them up. I have had a geat experience with my nem because i did research it, i know that i didnt jusf plop it in my tank and say "here you go." This is not luck it is knowledge. Knowledge of what nem to get and how new the tank is. I put my nem in my tank after 3 months, tada not an issue. Im not here for fly by wire, think about why is your nem on the move?
If your tank is still new I'd get rid of it otherwise you run the risk of killing it. Also, if you are looking to do a reef, people (most) stay away from nems. They move around freely and can sting other corals, and god forbid one ever gets sucked in to a power head and it's stingers get sent around the tank, kiss your livestock/corals good bye. But, it's your tank, and I wish you the best of luck on it, whatever you decide to do.
Just want to note that anemones are great additions to a reef. Yes they have the ability to move but if you research your anemone and set up an area of the tank for the anemones needs there is a lot of success to be had. Anthony if you had a condy they are notorious for moving about and will eat anything it can catch. An anemone WILL NOT nuke your tank. If it dies it will do like any other thing that dies in your tank which could cause an ammonia spike. IF it was chopped up in a power head and unfired nematocysts were released in the water column and something tried to eat it that could cause problems but it would be isolated. Anemones are very sensitive to parameter changes and usually are the first to suffer and then get blamed for other deaths that occur.
As for the OP as I said in my first post your tank is way to young for an anemone. Taking back would be wise. If you decide to keep it---- pristine water conditions, with very tiny parameter changes, intense lighting and moderate flow is necessary. Good luck!
Guys this isn't a pissing contest. No matter how long any of us have been in the hobby there is always room to learn and experience to be gained. The OP has received some good information so now it is up to the OP to decide what to do with it.
I already brought the nem back. And, you're right. It's pointless to try and talk to him seeing as he is bringing up things from other posts, and then when I reply to them, he thinks the replies are about this post. Pointless.

And Salt, all I was telling him was what other people have said via doing research about nems. Quite a few people think they should be in a species only tank. But, as always, there are people who believe otherwise. In the end, it's that persons tank, and that persons decision. All I was doing was pointing out different people's opinions, but as always, Mario has to chime in and try to make people feel stupid, 99% of the time he fails at it, and every once in a while it's nice to remind him that he's still pretty inexperienced himself. So, on that note, I'm done with replying to his posts. He can rave all he wants :).
I already brought the nem back. And, you're right. It's pointless to try and talk to him seeing as he is bringing up things from other posts, and then when I reply to them, he thinks the replies are about this post. Pointless.

And Salt, all I was telling him was what other people have said via doing research about nems. Quite a few people think they should be in a species only tank. But, as always, there are people who believe otherwise. In the end, it's that persons tank, and that persons decision. All I was doing was pointing out different people's opinions, but as always, Mario has to chime in and try to make people feel stupid, 99% of the time he fails at it, and every once in a while it's nice to remind him that he's still pretty inexperienced himself. So, on that note, I'm done with replying to his posts. He can rave all he wants :).

Hahahahaha. Salt dont care about your points, nor mine. Its funny you take it so personal and make name calling your only way out. I have not over stocked my tank, i have a sump, i do have an alive nem, i do know what im talking about. Im 6 weeks you have already over stocked tried running nems, and showed you have not a clue. Please tell me my useless knowledge of dry rock supporting my overstock bioload. Please tell me im going to have tons of failures, im not. I think before i buy something so i dont have to return it because it only causes more stress on that creature. I also think before i reply, not some kid from jersey shores can only exercise his vast knowledge by tagging imported information from the internet. Please back up any information that has been a true procedure in reef/saltwater keeping. Im just sick of hearing your bad information, costing people more money in the end. Once again, please post when you do have the experience, not just to post.
If you boys are going to continue to bicker back and forth and not offer anything useful to the OP, take it to private messages.