Need advice pleaz


have an aklinity problem constantly I just want to fix it once and for all. But I never get the info in my head through writingvi was wondering if I give someone my phone number could u many call me and give me some pointers on fixing and preventing this problem. Thanx
what's the problem, how bad is it a swing or is it just constantly off? How often do you test, when do you test? Have you had your LFS test the water to double check your test?
Yes I have done that. I test at a minium of once a week. It rarley is purfect and that is not ok because of my birdsnest corals and I know they are sensitive to lt. I buffer but it dosent change the resolts too much. It makes my ph quite high though
Do you make your own salt water or do you buy it from the LFS?
What is your alk reading?
Also, you should test it twice in one day to see if it changes, once just as the lights are coming on and once again when they are about to go off.
My ph is ushaly 8.8. Umm no I don't make my water. I buy a high quality water from my lfs to assure there is no problems. I don't know the dkh but I use tropic marine and a purfect aklinity is 10 drops but mine ushaly 7 or 8 drops. And just wondering what do u mean when u say test it in the morning and test it at night. What does it prove and should I do it on a day that I buffer or on a regular day when my aklinity is good. I run a 12 12 hour refugium but don't know if that helps aklinity ???? :)
With a PH of 8.8,everything in the tank would probably die.Thats way to high.But I think its probably a bad test kit.
And Kid is right.Your PH is going to be its highest right before the lights turn off and lowest just before the lights come on.