My water looks cool!


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
I had just recently moved my anti syphon hole from behind the overflo to right before the Y in my output tubes(black thing) after listening to Bifferwine and now when my lights are on(especially the blue) it looks like real ocean waves bouncing around.

It is really nice and calm looking. I don't know if it is also due to the direction of my powerheads or what but all I did was move the hole and add salt and now it twinkles like you are actually under the water.

Very weird but really cool at the same time.

Just thought I would share the joy heehee
Yeah maybe I will shoot a vid later. I can just slap it on my site. I will then put a link in my first post.

It is true it would be nice to have it now before people look and leave and never get to see it.

Must just be the way all the water is coming together.