My 1st video


Reef Hacker
I got the new camera, but never played with the video...until yesterday. I'll take any tips from you video pros.
I took this video in HD and the raw file size was 445mb. I used Windows Media Encoder and got it down to about 82mb. It seems to play OK in HQ (click the triangle on the bottom right and click HQ) when embedded here, but on YouTube it's not smooth in HQ and normal looks like crap. Any suggestions?

cc, video looks good. Couple of thoughts. As far as videography goes, you did good considering you just shot the thing handheld. Keep it straight, pay attention to the borders and keep the bottom of the viewfinder paralell to the bottom of the tank. Also practice smooth zooming in and out. It adds alot to quality of the vid. Other than that it looked great. Color and focus were sharp and clear for the most part.

As far as compression, shoot for the end product. Using a compressor usually makes video look like crap. If you plan to use a vid clip for internet streaming, shoot on a lower resolution, if you're putting in on an HD dvd, use HD settings.

I am no expert but I did some web video exercises in school. Keep shooting, the film is free!!
awesome video capt, im not very jealous of you tank, and your angel seems to love the camera. if your having quality issues on your video it might be a symptom of too much compression
Thanks everyone. I appreciate it. :)

I don't have a tripod so I guess thats why it's a little shakey. I did record it thru the viewfinder so that may have helped keep it a little more steady.
Zooming...that takes I tried to zoom slow, but easier said than done.
I'm not sure about the compression. I did some streaming audio/video on my web server a few years ago, but the file sizes were no where near as big as they are now. I figured dropping the file size from 445mb to 82mb was pretty good, but I guess there are tricks I need to learn. The new version of Windows Media Encoder is way different than the version I used to use. Seems like they make it harder to use instead of easier.
bitchin video capt, thanks for posting that! As always, your montis reign supreme. I also didn't know you had a pygmy angel either. No problem with clam nipping? Very sweet!
bitchin video capt, thanks for posting that! As always, your montis reign supreme. I also didn't know you had a pygmy angel either. No problem with clam nipping? Very sweet!
I don't have a pygmy angel. I have a genicanthus lamarck. It will grow to about 8". Genicanthus.sp angels are the only reef safe angels.
Well it's about a year later and this is my 2nd Picturing quality hasn't improved, but I think the tank has. ;)

Thanks, it's a mated pair of clarkii clowns. I tried to zoom in on the eggs they laid, but they are hard to see.