Moving Rock Around


Reef enthusiast
Do you ever move your rock around to change the look of the tank ? I noticed a lot of the tanks have a lot of sand space. I don't have that much. Since I took everything out of the 46 gal. and transferred it to the 90 gal. real quick, I was putting rock in under a sand haze.
Couldn't really see what I was doing. It looks good, but I want more sand space in front. I know it will make a mess again, will it stress the fish and coral by moving it around ?
it will stress the organisms, and disturbing the sand can start a cycle if enough stuff is trapped in the sand bed.
Best bet is to move the rocks slowly, one at a time, over a couple of days, to minimize the impact.
I move my rock around fairly often to optimize my coral placement, but I don't move a lot of rock often.

I never had problems with spikes when I had to pull all the rocks out to pull out the bully firefish. Put all the rocks back in, checked my levels, all was good. But I also don't have a lot of sand....I have just enough sand to cover the bottom. But yes, you could trigger a spike, so better safe than sorry, move things slowly.
i have moved the rock around 3 or 4 times since we set up our 210 and havent had any spikes or issues just dont stir up the sand alot then you wont have a nitrate spike cuz thats where all the crap get trapped in our tanks
Thanks, I'll do it this weekend. Hope I don't stir up too much just for the fact that if I do, I'll be back to doing it blind again. I have that red bubble tip anemone, He's still sideways on the rock. I want to take that rock and lay it down so he's on top.
I recently rescaped my tank and was also worried about setting back into a small cycle. I did everything all at one. I removed all the rock and put the corals in a bucket w/ tank water. Put the rock back in and then the corals. Everythign was very clowdy and mixed up. I decided it would also be a good time to do a water change since I released toxins into the water. My clownfish got pretty stressed out about 2 hours...layed on the sand and did some heavy mouth breathing. Other than that it wasn't all that bad.
I would have some PWC water available just in case. I think you might see a small ammonia spike. Hopefully not but just in case you`ll have some fresh Sw.
I only want to move a few rocks. Not all of them. But, I will do a water change when I'm done. It will be pretty nasty stirring up all that stuff in there.
I personally dont think you could have a reef tank if you didnt move a rock from time to time.My problem has always been that when I move one rock,I end up adjusting the rest of em to.
But I always do a water change as soon as I'm done with the rock to.
hehehe ever since TED did my scaping, i havent touched it... i wanna, but i also know that nothing that i will ever come up with will look as good as it does right now, so i'm just not gonna f with it..

my brain just sees all the rocks like tetrus blocks, i cant help it, i end up with a tightly stacked, no spaces, pile, right in the middle, and theres just nothing natural about the way it looks either.. hehehehe
doubtfull, but thats just my guess.. hehehehe not to metnion that we havent heard from ole ted in over a week, i was gonna call him last night, but by the time i got home after my 2+ hour drive, i forgot...