More about my angels


I don't work for anybody
I love to hear the topics, but it doesn't seem that people are as adventurous (or stupid) as I am about trying big angelfish in their tanks. Since my last post, I have been able to keep my adult blue ring from eating my LPS or softies. He seems totally uninterested in my frogspawn, branch hammer, wall hammer, xenia, and brain coral.

I have also recently added an adult regal angelfish. I finally got him eating and I have hopes of keeping him alive. I have inudated myself with info about them and I think I can keep him happy. I am rather excited:^: If I can keep him alive for 2 months, I should be good to go and then you can all worship me :bowdown:

I think I have enough room in my tank for once more angelfish. I am not sure if I should try another emperor (my last one did not do so well with that rotten Ich), they tend to get pretty territorial, or a passive one, like a majestic or scribbled. I will send pics when I have them avaliable. Wish me luck.

-Dr Marco:sfish:
Good luck, you are a brave soul.I for one never had a tank big enough to ever consider an Angel until now.Still,even when I get it set up,probably still be to afraid to try some,granted some are absolutely gorgeous.Dr. M have you ever thought about tangs,equally gorgeous fish.How about a Naso or Powder Blue or are to much of an ick magnet.

Good luck..I know how you love them Angels.
reeffreak -

I have 2 tangs in my tank as well. I have a regal blue (my kids require me to keep a "Dory fish") as well as a sailfin tang - both are about 4 inches in size. They are magnificent fish as well. I am into the big fish and not so much the community anthias or other schooling fish. I like to see a thick, big angel or tang swimming around my tank.

The regal angelfish ate again today. He seems to like the frozen angel/butterfly mix. No luck with nori, I will try again in a couple of days. I have my last fish on order from my friend, a Koran angel. He should come in at about 6 inches. I will take pics when I get the Koran in and post them on a post as well as on the pics forum. Thanx for all your support. I am totally more into the fish than corals.

-Dr Marco :sfish: