

Reef enthusiast
I have had my 3 coral life 3/4 watt moonlights for about 6 months and they are already fading. They used to be pretty bright now they hardly light up the tank at night. These are my first moonlights so i have no idea if this is normal. Are they supposed to die out this fast? Its not like i can replace any have to buy new ones which are quite expensive.
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Did you check them for salt creep? Just a shot in the dark I really dont have any experience with them at all.
The ones I have are going on two years. I would say you either got bad ones or salt creep got in them. Unless your running them 24/7.
i think LED'S have like 10k + hours on them. even if he is running them 24/7, they shouldnt be out already. also, i dont think LED gets less brights, but they stop working. not sure, but that is my guess
THe kind i have should be 50K hours. I dont have them on 24/7. Only when the day lights are off. Sometime i forget to turn them off but that only happens once every blue moon :mrgreen:

I didnt think they would get weak so far. I checked for salt but there isnt that much, i cleaned the front and still very dim. Im scared of opening it because it will void any warranty but since i dont have the receipt, should i open it and clean it throughly?

If one went bad i would say its a faulty one but all 3 are weaker...
Im willing to bet that something inside the box is corroded and cutting back on the current. I would contact the vendor you purchased it from and see what they can do for you.
I agree call the manufacturer first before you take them apart. Usally their more then willing to work with you. Keep us updated.
Thanks everyone. I'll call them tomorrow. luckily I still have the three original boxes so maybe they'll consider something...Im dont count on it tho.
If they wont fix them and you cant figure out the problem I can hook you up with a guy in NYC that builds custom one for good prices that are very good quality.
I would call or email who ever you purchased them from. It is likely not the LED's but the circuit board that is feeding them current that is not working properly. I have some AquaLights that are four years old and have not noticed any dimming of the LED's. They will likely get you the parts at no cost or would offer a replacement for the whole unit but would expect you to pay shipping. The board replacement would likely be just a few wire nuts and a couple screws. The whole light system is fairly easy to disassemble. You half disassembled it just to put in the halide and power compact bulbs after buying it, and lets not forget those wonderful little silicone bands that hold up the PC lamps.
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I called the manufacturer and let me just say WOW. They are amazing. The guy didnt even ask for proof of purchase. He took down my address and will send me 3 new ones.
That was a lot easier than i though. Coralife is a great company :bounce:
Good but spendy. They put out the best halide/PC/moon light fixture but I wish I could get them even cheaper. I wish someone would put out the same type light fixture with T-5 HO's instead of the PC's.
Good but spendy. They put out the best halide/PC/moon light fixture but I wish I could get them even cheaper. I wish someone would put out the same type light fixture with T-5 HO's instead of the PC's.

That's true, they are pretty expensive. But now knowing what kind of customer service they have, the price makes it all worth it for me IMO. The peace of mind of knowing if anything goes wrong, they will take care of me fast makes the price tolerable.