Marineland 60 cube return pump


reef junkie
I've been reading some bad reviews about the amount of flow this tank is able to get through the return. As far as I can tell, getting my flow at 10x tank size is impossible. The tank came with a Rio 1400 which is rated at 420 GPH at 0 head. Isn't this way to small? I don't want to get a pump that my intake can't handle. Anybody have any experience with the built in overflow on this tank?
Hmm I looked them up and they appear to be quite moody, but I think 420gph through a sump should be fine. At 0 head it's probably less than that. You can compensate with powerheads to get more flow in the display tank.
I have two Koralia 1050's in my cart at BRS. Do you think that will be enough to make up for that little flow coming from the return. After ~four feet of head? Haven't checked out yet. Can't shake the feeling that I should be pushing more through the sump than that.
If it's a single pipe on the overflow, it can only handle about 300gph, max. Not sure there's anyway to remedy it unless you drilled the tank and put a bigger bulkhead on there with larger piping, or making it a dual setup.

Honestly, I don't think low flow through the sump is that bad, it'll do the job of skimming the tank surface so it doesn't get all filmy, and your skimmer will probably have a better chance at processing more water. If you put a refugium down there, low flow is preferred as well.

Most tanks with single pipe overflows are only rated for the same amount, so your tank is in good company. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Do you already have the tank?