making salt water question


Reefing newb
so i have about 6 gallons of rodi water sitting in the plastic bag from the lfs.. my question is can i premix the salt into the water and use it when needed... or will the salinity levels drop or something? it would be easier to have the salt water ready rather than mix it when i need to use it...
You can premix it in advance. It is recommend keeping a heater and power head running in it. I don't myself, though. I keep a 5 gallon water bottle with premixed saltwater ready for use for my Red Sea Max. I don't keep a power head or heater in it and have see no ill effects.
ok great... how long have you had the salt water just sit... im still waiting for my tank to start cycling but i still see no ammonia spike... stays at 0
ahhh good thinkin.. since people answering me on this thread.. ill copy and paste from my other so i dont start another thread.. some questions about my tank slow to cycle or not cycling...

ya im not sure if my tank skipped or not.. im gonna wait a lot longer just to be on the safe side though... another question... i saw this clearish looking worm thing crawling on the rock it was probally only a quarter inch long.. anyone know what that is? i understand a lot of these wierd creepy crawlies can be beneficial.. are any of them harmful? i also have an extremely small thing of hair algae.. is this good or bad? and i know i have at least one bristle worm because i saw him about an hour after i threw some fish food in the tank in hopes to get the tank cycling... ammonia is still at 0 though
thier is a chance your tank might not cycle cause the rock thats in your tank was in a reef tank that was setup for awhile i wouldnt worry about the hair algae you can just scrap it off it was on the rock when you bought it