maintaining your tank???


Reefing newb
well this forum and the people on it have been very helpful in giving my tank a secound chance so thank you.......Ok while Im waiting on my stuff to arrive like my lights and my sump stuff I had a question on maintaining your tanks........What is a good salinity tester and water testing kit.....I was thinking a refractometer and wasnt sure on water testing kit.......Ive tried the salinity tester that is glas and bobs around and hate what test with?:question:
Refractometer is definitely the way to go. As for water testing, I use the API brand test kit (the liquid kind -- NOT test strips). A whole kid is around $30 or so. It tests ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and ph. I don't have corals or anything, but if you have 'em, you may want to get a calcium test kit, too. I'm sure someone can recommend a good brand.
A refractometer is the ONLY way to go for checking salinity.
For test kits,I use API 99.9% of the time.But I keep Salifert kits on hand in case something tests out a little funky from what it should be at.
Thanks Ill get some on order....I cant stand the glass one I have floating in my tank it always gets stuck somewhere
Ok I have a temp gauge in my tank I want gone any cool alternatives to trying to see the thermometer type????
Anything wrong with Red Sea Marine lab, cuz I just bought one!:roll:
Good luck gary!

I think with Red Sea kits,its just the luck of the draw.I never had any luck with em.But know of several folks that like em.

Thanks Ill get some on order....I cant stand the glass one I have floating in my tank it always gets stuck somewhere
Ok I have a temp gauge in my tank I want gone any cool alternatives to trying to see the thermometer type????

I would say put it in the sump.But the sump will always be warmer than the tank.