Lr ??????


Reefing newb
I have a 29gal tank that I set up around 3/15/10. I didnt put any live rock or sand in that tank, but used an old filter once I built up amnoina from a shrimp. The cycle went fairly quick, all levels on the test are good and have had two damsels that are fed daily for a week and a half. No problems. My question is do I need to add live rock in order for the base rock to start getting coraline or will it happen but will take a long time? And on a side note now that is starting to get a little warmmer that tank with the lights on during the day will heat up to 82. Anything to worry about, or what can I do? If I lower the heater would I just get a bigger swing in temp?
I'm not really sure if you will get coraline on it's own but, if you add a piece of live rock with coraline on it and keep up your calcium levels you will see it start to spread. Also, I would take that old filter off of your tank, your live rock and PWC are all the filtration you need.
As far as your temp. you can set up a fan to blow over the surface of the water and it will lower your temp a few degrees.
Yes you will need to add one or two pieces of LR with coraline on it to get the coraline in your tank. Take a toothbrush to the new LR when you get it to help spread the pores around
Coralline doesn't just form from nothing and start growing no =P

You have to at least have some spores present from existing coralline somewhere. Any rockwork from an existing tank (even if its a frag mount) will probably have some coralline on it.

You just have to find a way to get some coralline into your tank :)
The toothbrush trick on an established rock works ;)
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Thank you. I added a one lbs piece this morning to the 29 gal tank from my 90 gal to get things moving along. Once I see it start on the base rock in the 29, would I be able to move it back and it will cont. to spread? I understand this could take a long time. 6 months or so.