LR Question


Reefing newb
Hi I am new to reefing, and just aquired a 30G tank and was waundering what rock would be better for corals and fish. Im stuck between the Figi and the Caribean LR. If anybody knows the differances I would greatly apperciate the help
Wellcome to the hobby Ive done really well with figi live rock check it out on markes tanked ide stay away from anything out of the atlantic its very dense and heavy. Not to menchon its not very porous. So go with the figi. You can also use base rock under the live rock that is hidden by the sand to save a couple of bucks. I used 10 lbs of base and 32 lbs of live figi
Hope this helps and welcome to the reef
I haven't use Caribbean live rock since the early 90's.Back then it was a heavy,bland,concrete like rock and not very porous to boot.Fiji and the other Indo-Pacific live rock seems better to me.
I have some Caribbean in my tank, but I use it as base rock because, like other said, it's dense and not porous. Definitely go with Fiji instead.