LR Express Curing


Reef enthusiast
Got a new batch (50lb) of Branch LR and Bali Alor LR this morning. Smell very fresh. Looks good as well. After giving them some good scrub and salty rinse, they are curing in a 35 gal container in the garage.

Few hours ago, I squeezed out a good amount of yumming dark color bacteria rich water from my existing filters and sponge from the DT. Gave them a good rinse as well. About 2 gallon worth of good stuff dump into the LR container. I just tested the water parameter:

Ammonia: 0.20
Nitrite: 0.25
Nitrate: 80

Wow! A super kick start of the cycle? Didn't expect it would work that fast!
You'd be surprised at how much die-off comes with mail order rock:D
I almost got me AND my tank thrown out over that once:mrgreen:
I see. There were a couple of big bright yellow sponge on them. I know they died for sure and I tried to pull and scrub out as much as I can, but there are still plenty left between some cracks.