Low Magnesium?

OK everything looks ok with everything else but my Magnesium is LOW... like 900 low! I did a 10% water change have not tested again going to tonight when I get home. I have another 10% water change that the salt is mixing now too. I think I should start to dose with something until it gets stable again. I currently have a kalk drip, sometimes I have to dose something for PH/ALK but really as long as I keep up with water changes the kalk is the only thing I use. I use a http://www.barrierreefaquariums.com/productCart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=211&idproduct=451 I am going to be changing my dosing to BRS 2 part with mag. But this is my GF first week of being unemployed so I am looking for something I can pick up at the LFS and not have to explain why I am getting boxes in the mail :D Any suggestions? Kent Tech M?

PH: 8.2
Alkalinity: 8
MAG: 900 I did the test 2 times got the same answer its Elos test Kit about 3 months old
Calcium: 420
Salinity: 1.025
Temp: 80
Epsom salts (mag sulfate) is fine if you just need to occasionally dose to raise your mag level. However, if you are dosing any of the 2 part calcium/alk solutions...either DIY or something like B-Ionic, you should use a combination of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) and magnesium chloride hexahydrate (MagFlake) to avoid adding too much sulfates. The seven most abundant ions in seawater, in decreasing order of concentration, are chloride, sodium, sulfate, magnesium, calcium, potassium and bicarbonate. Using this dual mag recipe will keep all of these ions in their appropriate ratios.