looking for a suggestion


Reefing newb
Wanting to add a tang or two to my tank? Any suggestions? Right now I have a copperband and a black clown. The tank is a 90 gal FOWLR that might go to a few corals so reef safe would be a plus. My main fish would be a flame angle if this sounds like it would work. Just looking for suggestions for me to look into. Thanks again. The two fish have been in there for about a month and everything seems to be fine except some cyno and the copperband doesnt seem to eat but still looks healthy.
I've always liked naso blondes & sailfins myself.
These fish will get very big and dominate your 90 quickly....keep this in mind.
Sorry Messiah,naso and sailfin grow way to big for a 90g.

Bristletooth and Kole tangs stay pretty small as do many of the ones in Ctenochaetus family.
I second the suggestion of a kole tang. They are so pretty. Either a flame angel or coral beauty would be good choices too. Some will nip at corals, but there's a good chance you'll get one that doesn't.
I gotta 3rd Reef on the Naso and sailfin tangs.Even the small ones just need more swimming space than 90 can provide.
Look into a Lamarck angel.They ARE coral safe.