live rock question


Love my tanks!
ok so I had a thought that perhaps it might be possible to get some live rock and start seeding my not so live rock before we get the tank all set up and everything. Is it possible? My LFS has their rocks in a large tub with flowing water. Anyone got any insight?
Sure, you can do that. Use a rubbermade tub or plastic trash can. Add salt water, a heater and a powerhead. It will become live in no time.
I am talking months actually...I think it will probably be feb to march before we have all of our supplies to get this thing going. Plus im getting antsy for something to prepare. If I have a tub of rocks...I can just sit and watch them. Yes that is the life that I lead!
If you've got time you should also keep an eye on the craigslist for your area. You may luck up and find some deals on some rock from a local reefer.