Live Rock Filtration


Reefing newb
Thank you all for your responses yesterday, but I have another question.

everybody has been saying Live Rock assist in the Filtration. I know it's key to the Cycling of a tank, but how does it help or how does it "Filter"?

Hope everybody is having a good day.

It the bacteria that inhabits the rock thet filters not the rock it's self. The more porous the rock, the more surface area, the more surface area the more bacteria, the more bacteria the better the filtration.
Cycling a tank in basic terms, is a process that creates the necessary bacteria that will be able to convert fish waste, excess food, etc into less toxic nitrate. In your tank the water is constantly being pushed around and through the rocks "filtering" the water like a HOB filter would in a freshwater tank.
You've also got to figure in all the little cryptic animals that live inside and on the rock.The feather duster and different types of copepods that feed on the detritus that gets gets stuck in all the little holes.
The porosity of live rock is something you can't really see. If you could see it with a microscope you would realize porous it really is. The pores allow the beneficial bacteria to breed.
Thank you all, that makes sense. I just learned something new today. I think I'm getting this science aspect. Now I have to learn chem. (I'll be back)
