live rock and UG filter ???


Reefing newb
I have a 125 gallon fish only marine aquarium established about 4 months now. I have a coral beauty, a flame angel, 5 yellowfin blue damsels, 4 4-striped damsels, 3 ocellais clowns, 2 tomato clowns, 1 high fin (banggai) cardinal, a yellow tang, 2 firefish gobies, 2 green chromis, 2 chocolate chip sea stars and 1 brittle star. All fish are (currently) small. I have an Eheim 2028 filter with appropriate substrate and chemipure in the top basket, a wet-dry Eheim 2229, an Aquaclear 110 filter with charcoal, a submariner UV sterilizer, a Red Sea deluxe protein skimmer, a Magnum 350 and Magnum H.O.T. (both with micron cartridges that I change weekly), an undergravel filter with 3 strong powerheads (crushed coral gravel), and a phosban phoshate reactor. After all this was established, I read about and decided to add some live rock just for the tang and angels to have algae to nibble on (and for the additional filtration). I don't intend to grow a reef tank or corals.
My question is: Can I (please?) just add live rock to the aquarium with some additional lighting? (How much lighting?) I really don't understand the reason some aquarists say you can't use live rock with a UG filter or wet dry filter. Please enlighten me. Also, please let me know what changes I would need to make to successfully add live rock.
I really enjoy and appreciate your website, and would be grateful for any advice you can give me. Thanks, Val
Hi Val, and welcome. I would HIGHLY recommend getting rid of the undergravel filter, especially with the kind of filtration you are running. They work fine for freshwater, but are a big no-no for saltwater. They will lead to nothing but problems down the road. Reason being all the crap gets trapped underneath your substrate, decomposes, is released into the water and BOOM you have major water quality problems that you are unable to fix without taking out the bottom of your tank.

Sure you can add live rock without better lights. If there are any coral-like hitchhikers on the rock, they will not survive. But the live rock will still work as filtration. In a fish only tank, you do not need any special lighting, just the standard strip fluorescent lights will do.
Hi Val and welcome to the reef.
I agree with Biff.The under gravel will cause you some major problems on down the road.

As for adding live rock,thats the best investment you can make.Not only will it give you good biological filtration,but it'll also give your fish some good natural food.The algae thats on the rock wont last long with your tangs,but all the little bugs will be a great food source.

Be sure to post pics when you get a chance,we love pics on this site.
I agree with biff an yote about the LR and UG. I also want to pipe in on the HOB HOT filter if yours has the BIO wheel i strongly suggest getting rid of it. They release nitrates into salt water.... I know because I used to own one.
Welcome to living reefs. As a note of interest and as a general rule, listen to what Biff tells you. She is rather brilliant. :bounce: We all do and are very happy in her wisdom...

-Dr Marco :sfish:
One way to think of it. Can't beat nature where possible. The oceans are pretty much filtered by the sand, the coral rubble and rock, and the waves (natural protein skimmer).