lighting question


Reefing newb
currently i only have some dinky fluorescent lighting that came with the tank, obviously i need to upgrade, however i dont have the money to pay for halides, or anything high end. I'm thinking
Compact Fluorescent Aquarium Lighting: Single Satellite Compact Fluorescent Fixtures

Aquarium Lighting & Hoods: All-Glass Deluxe Fluorescent Full Hoods - Black

Fluorescent Aquarium Lighting: All-Glass Aquarium Oak Strip Lights

my tank length is 24 inches, but could a 20 inch lighting be good enough to fit on top? I'm planning on using a single 50/50 bulb as im not raising corals just yet.

i dont want to exceed 50-60 dollars on lighting. so if you find something else that i havent listed, please let me know. thanks all!
The later two are the same as the one that comes with tanks just a regular strip light. The first one is the one I would get out of the three but I would look for something alittle stronger. With the first one you will be ablr to keep some corals but not a whole lot, just some different softys.
Pool I was going to put this on craigslist tomorrow but i figured I would offer it to you first. When I first setup my 55 I bought (2) 24" Coralife Aqualight deluxe series. It doesent have lunar light but it has a double linear 65 watt actinic #03 and a double linear 65 watt 10K . I used it for about a week before I relized it was a pain in the @$$ working around 2 seperate fixtures. So I bought a 48" of the same model. Long story short S13redline has one of them over his 36 gallon right now and has been pretty happy with it. They sell for $210 @ petco up here. I was gunna put it on craigslist for $150 and I will sell it to you for $100 (u pay for shipping) I know its more than you wanted to spend but i figured I would offer it anyways.