Lighting Question


Reefing newb
I am going to get a second tank which comes with lights already. But before I get excited I was wondering if these are good lights ...

All-glass Aquarium - Rapid-start - 32W aquarium lamp Hg

I looked them up on google and thought they could work as long as I change some of the bulbs, but thought you guys would be better.
How many bulbs?
What kind? T5, T8?
What size tank?
What are you trying to keep?

Need to know the answer to all of these in order to say if that fixture is good or not.
The lights are 48" on a 48" tank.

T5 or T8 .. no idea. I wish I knew and that is what I was trying to figure out. I haven't seen them in person so no idea.

I'd like to start a reef tank with the new tank, but we will see how this progresses.
I would guess that they are T8's. 48" T8s are 32 watts, 48" T5s are 54 watts.
If there are only one or two bulbs, the lighting would not be adaquate for anything but a fish only tank.

If the price on the tank is a good deal, then grab it and save up for some new lights.