Lighting question


Reefing newb
I've been trying to do some research on what kind of lighting I will need once I start to add corals. Most of my research states: MH if you have the cash, if you don't T-5's work fine as well. It seems that florescent lighting everyone disproves of as its not as bright as T-5 lighting. I was at the LFS and they have a used floresant light fixture that is 260ish watts. I really only plan on keeping soft corals, mushrooms, and zoanthids in this tank.

I can afford T-5's but I would rather save the money and put it toward my 180 gallon project I will be building once we buy a house this year. With this light get me by with my tank given what I want to add?
what kind of lights are they at 260 watts they are not NO bulbs. io think that they would work ok for what you want. how much do they wsant for them and hoe old are they.
Can't comment on how old they are, They want $85 for them. It might not of been exactly 260 watts but it was somewhere in that range.

If I remember correctly, they said compact florescent. The ballast looks very much like a Current. Which would not surprise me, they pretty much only sell and use Current products.
that should be fin for softies i bet it is 4 65 w bulbs. just change out all the lights and it will wrok for what you want for now.
Yeah, those will be fine for softies, mushrooms and zoanthids. For anything else, I'd suggest T5s. I think T5s are better than MH. They are cheaper, you get more light output and less heat. You can keep anything you want under T5s.