lighting check


Reef enthusiast
Ok, I know the basic idea of the lighting being about 4 watts per gallon

I currently have a Metal Halide whichis 150W and a T5 HO system with 2 globes and reflectors (24 watts per globe)

my DT is 60g but with my sump it comes to about 80g.

all my corals are doing great and really seem to flourish, but for getting an anenome and so forth, is tihs enough? its 198 Watts which is 3.3 watts per gallon for the DT but is only 2.475 if you include the sump.. Do I include the sump in this calculation? and does it make a difference with the metal halide and T5 HO? My LFS thinks this is fine, but I thought I might ask your opinion
I know Anenomes are cool and all that stuff But because they are so fickel and one minor mistake can result in its death and total tank destruction why do people still get them? I have read several horror stories on the site about that problem. :twocents:
Nope, you don't include the sump into the toolman stated, anemones are difficult, the halide will probably be enough light in this case, but your tank is still too young to support one. If you get one...good luck with it :)
I agree. The other thing to consider is that you need an established tank of 8-12 months in order to keep an anemone. For lighting closer to 6 watts per gallon would be better.
Just thought I would clear this up, I am NOT looking at getting an anemone now, but if I will be looking at one in the future.

So my Metal Halide would be sufficient lighting for the Anemone? If so, this is good, or ill have to go out and buy a second MHalide lol.

And toolman, I am looking at them as a home for my clowns, makes them happier, and its just a great looking addition to the tank. If your careful and see signs of distress (lots of moving, you can take him out, but often if you keep the right parameters and lighting anemones thrive. I plan on keeping both, so we will see how it goes.

With my T5 globes, would the wattage be increased because of the reflectors?
T-5s actually blew the watts per gallon rule outta the water so to speak.:D
From what I've read just about everywhere,individual reflectors are supposed to increase the light output by something like 300%.
What do you mean by blew it out of the water Yote?

You were able to use the watts per gallon(or in Josh case,watts per litre) before T5.Since T5 came on the market.That no longer applies since you need less watts compared with other flourescent bulbs,mainly PC and VHO which were more popular 5-10 years ago.
So basically, it looks like my tank has the ability to house pretty much any animal. Under your 300% rule, i have about 294 watts in the tank which is about 4.9 watts per gallon.

Thanks :) hope thats abotu right. lol